
2021: The Year of the Remote Worker

Is It Time to Go Remote?

Last year saw an increase in remote work across a wide spectrum of industries-from the office, internet dependent jobs to the small business professionals working from home. The work force will likely double this year as more employers see the benefits of remote work.

A Diversity of Abilities

Are you tired of missing out on specialists’ because you only use your own employees? Do you find it difficult to find developers with the right experience? Tap into a diverse pool of talent by looking at freelance professionals with particular skills for particular projects. By taking advantage of their expertise it will open doors to new ways of seeing your products and services. Remote work is not a new idea but it’s expanding at a rapid rate and the benefits for employers are endless.

Ability to work with others:

Working with others doesn’t just mean face to face. Today’s workforce is mobile and diverse. It’s specialized and generalized. It’s a combination of freelancers, partially remote and full time remote. Companies still see a broad range of traditional 9 to 5ers under the same corporate umbrella, but being physically present is less important than it was even 20 years ago. Value comes from an individual’s ability to cooperate with teams. This comes more natural for some than others, but remote work is increasing in popularity and forcing workers to make long distance work…work.

Ability to learn new information:

We’ve all worked with rigid employees. They refuse to step outside their comfort zone a little and solve simple problems. They spend more time explaining how a particular task isn’t their job, or that they are ‘terrible with numbers’. It doesn’t take long for everyone else to stay away and find another option. Hiring adaptable people can be the difference between finishing a project on time and dragging it out. Remote workers often have a wealth of experience in their particular discipline. They have learned how to work through problems on their own and find solutions. Often that means trying out new fixes even if it isn’t a perfect skill fit. Programmers learn to do data entry and research and sales, whatever it takes to bring the project together. Diversity in work experience benefits the whole team.

Ability to be productive:

Two famous academic studies on remote work found that telewokers were more productive than their office counterparts by 35-40%. Since it’s still a new phenomenon for a lot of traditional businesses remote work doesn’t come to mind as a possibility. The Coronavirus changed all that by providing an impetus to seek out new talent from existing freelance pools. All it takes is one successful hire to change an indifferent attitude about telework. That successful hire can create the need to use remote talent as a recurring part of doing business.

Ability to schedule:

Flexible scheduling sounds more like an employee benefit than an employer one, but it actually works well for both. A big part of this is the ability to prioritize life events. Nothing is more frustrating than having a worker leave in middle of the day, multiple times a week. A productive work day can be interrupted too much throughout a project, but remote workers don’t punch a clock. This goes a long way toward defeating the problem of absenteeism. Freelance professionals set their own hours with an understanding of the big picture timeline and don’t need to be watched.
Perhaps the biggest benefit of all with remote workers is the experience they bring. Some specialized right away and found a niche for working from home. Others got that way due to a diverse level of career choices and innate talent. Either way, for a lot of professionals the preferred method of work is to stay home and freelance. Companies everywhere are finding the advantages of hiring specialists to be critical to moving forward.

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